Meet Mia

            I was born and raised in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia and spent my summers playing on the banks of the Rappahannock River. I attended James Madison University where I had an absolute ball. During my time at JMU I took my first trip to Charleston, South Carolina and fell in love with it. Nine days after graduation, I settled into a peach colored house on Henrietta Street, smack dab in the middle of the Holy City. I am a Virginian first, but a Charlestonian second. I started dating my husband, Alan, while I was in Charleston and his career as a Navy pilot took us out to Washington where we lived for a few years with our little dog, Leia. 

            I have long been inspired by the natural beauty of my home and my time in the Northwest proved to me that absence does indeed make the heart grow fonder. While I have always been a creative person, I did not start a regular art practice until I lived in Washington. Art is the great connector of our culture and like many people, I use it to feel connected to the people, places, and memories that make me feel at home. At the beginning of 2021, Alan's career lead us back to the East Coast and we now live in Jacksonville. 

            I am a self-taught linocut printmaker. There is something primitive about printmaking that serves as a reminder that joy is often found in simplicity. Carving a linoleum block is a meditative practice for me and the moment the print is pulled away from the block is one place I find joy. 

            Moving to Florida has allowed to me to explore another corner of the world and that exploration has carried over to my art. I started painting more and I  have enjoyed experimenting with the combination of paint and ink. The brush and the block. The marshes, rivers, and beaches of the Southeast have always been a great source of peace for me. Art is my way of sharing that peace with you. 

Thank you for being here, I hope you’ll stay awhile.